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Licking Heights Alumni Association, Inc.
Preserving the Past for the Promise of a Future
P.O. Box 77
Summit Station, Ohio 43073
Christina Blythe Casto, President
E-mail Us
Yes! Membership does have it's privileges and benefits! Would you like your own personal invitation to the annual alumni banquet? Would you like to receive two newsletters (at least) annually? You can read about what’s new at your alma mater; sports, band, student growth, new buildings, construction, awards, staff, administration and so much more. Learn what the Alumni Association is doing to preserve the past and how it is planning for the future at Licking Heights (Summit High).

But most importantly, you help to fulfill our mission and that is to develop, grow, and maintain the Alumni Scholarship Fund. Your Alumni Association proudly awards three $1,000 scholarship annually to a qualified graduate from Licking Heights. (Get more details and information by clicking on the Scholarship link.)

The annual membership dues are $15.00 or $20.00 for a married couple (both alums). Where do your membership fees go? Good question! The Officers and Directors have established the following guidlines.

- $5 is set aside for the Scholarship Fund.
- $5 is for communications cost; web site, newsletters, printing, and postage.
- $5 is for general operations; maintaining the Bell Tower, Pathway to Victory, Hall of Fame, Trophy and Display Cases, and seed money for fundraising projects.
- (Spouse membership, the additional $5 all goes to the Scholaraship Fund.)

Membership Forms
Here! .pdf format
Information Flyer
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If you have chosen NOT to become a member, you do have another option. For only $5 a year, you can subscribe to the mailing list. You will receive all our communications, newsletters, and your personal “Alumni Banquet Invitation”.

Mailing List Form